
March 27, 2025

I took my sweet time beating 1000xresist. Was that poor time management? Yes. Still, even when I wasn't actively playing the game, I was regularly thinking about it. It isn't a game that asks a lot from you, its largely just delivering you text. Many of the gameplay sequences are getting from Point A to Point B. Despite that simplicity, it does not take long before the game makes clear that it is masterfully playing within its medium.

When I try to think about other games that pack a narrative punch, I think of games like Kentucky Route Zero, Spec Ops: The Line, and most recently Indika. Both Spec Ops and Indika just ask that you to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. Exceptional narrative moments play out when the game toys with expectations typical of their respective genres. Kentucky Route Zero takes a slightly different approach, doling out the narrative in a more literary style, piecemealing dialog to carry you from moment to moment. Of course, these two styles are not the whole universe of narrative game types, but 1000xresist somehow blends them both. It is unashamed of being a 'walking simulator' and delivers thought provoking moments through the typical machinations that you would expect from that style of game. Yet it goes beyond that too, turning UI elements, camera angles, and other 'game elements' into tools allowing you to more deeply understand the feelings the character may experience. It's hard to describe, but once you see it in action it's immediately impressive.

I do not want to spoil the experience, so I'll just highlight a non-pivotal moment with as little detail as possible. Hopefully, this will still showcase what it is that I'm trying to write around. At some point mid-game, the main character receives news that is deeply upsetting. To lead the player towards empathy, the third-person perspective comes in extremely tight on the player-character, plus the surroundings become heavily distorted and blurred. The game then goes an extra step to use UI elements--typically reserved for 'what do I do next' type text--to instead to immerse the player within the rush of thoughts and ideas that are running through the character's mind. It's a minor touch, but it showcases an absolutely stunning showcase of where the medium as a whole has been, and where it could be going next.

All this to say, if you are not into walking and talking, this won't be some revelatory moment for you. It is very much a game about getting to know the game world and the people that occupy it. It too suffers from a problem that is seemingly unavoidable in creating a commercially viable artistic endeavor such as this one--it lacks some subtlety. The game wears thoughts on its sleeve. You will not miss the messaging this game has on generational trauma, immigration, assimilation, and existing in a post-pandemic environment. That being said, the game's messaging is presented in a thoughtful manner that will at least invite you to engage in some critical thinking of your own. Even minor moments the game are a delight thanks to being well written to a scale where you'll find yourself wanting to engage with every item in a room if only to be delighted by some curiously presented flavor text.

Ultimately, it is a game that aspires towards (and sometimes achieves) a novel like quality. Because of that, it is something I can absolutely recommend.

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